Day Nine
I grew up with a huge value on being a realist; someone who could sift through all the hype and excitement and get down to brass tax when looking at something. I had this thought that optimistic, joyful and visionary people were kinda well…..simple. They were people who liked to talk about how things should be, but didn’t want to do any of the work to get there. They had grandiose ideas for what “could be” and were not the ones who actually made things happen. They saw life through rose-colored glasses. They were in fairy tale land, thinking everything in life was good, while us realists actually saw things for what they were.
It wasn’t until years later I came to understand that rose-colored glasses are a lot like Kingdom glasses. Kingdom glasses don’t ignore the bad, but they see the good that is coming to be through all things. The Kingdom of God DOES operate on a different reality that we are called to recognize. The Bible says He “works all things for the good of those who are called according to his purpose.” And Jesus says he came to bring “life and life abundant.” Seeing things through God’s perspective is what makes us different than the world.
As I prayed through what God wanted me to share for these 21 days, I thought of several cool, catchy things that might have a click-bait like reaction instead of what God was truly pressing in on. Then when I was driving home from church this Sunday, I reflected on how God has changed me from a frustrated realist to a faithful optimist.
I realized that not only am I called to see through rose-colored glasses, but that God chose to SEE ME through rose-colored glasses. God is well aware of my sin, your sin, future sin, and all sorts of sin. He is fully aware of the evils that take place and the injustices that happen every moment. But he CHOOSES to see us believers through rose-colored glasses. He chooses to take on a lens of seeing the good, even though He is well aware of the bad. That is a Kingdom perspective. He loves us, spiritual warts and all.
So today, do like your Father does and put on on some rose-colored glasses when you look at life this week! Wear your Kingdom glasses to see and speak the good happening all around you.
Pastor Ryan