After an unexplained fire burned their family business to the ground, Pastor Mike and Pastor Holly felt God’s call to plant a church with their five kids along the way. They didn’t know where and they didn’t know how, but they knew that God was calling them to begin a journey that would show Jesus’ goodness and power to the world. They set off with their good friends Pastor Jeff and Stacy (and their five kids too!). And in 2006, Lifecoast had its very first Celebration Service. We invite you to join our family as we celebrate God’s goodness!
Our Vision
We desire to:
GATHER together as an authentic family that truly “does life” with one another.
GROW together in our faith and in the likeness of Jesus Christ to live out His purposes, and
GO into our neighborhoods with the love and transforming power of Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
We seek to love people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ by engaging and caring for our community. Our hope is that most of our time is not spent within the four walls of a building, but amongst the community where people need God’s goodness most.